Friday, August 10, 2007

GOP Will Eat Itself


The Reprehensican party continues to dismember itself with the gangrenous spew of vacuous shillbots like Karen Hanretty. She helps reveal even more of the blackened soul of the Retardicons for all the world to see, essentially gunning the engine during their tailspin.

Perhaps the GOP should discontinue their regular practice of hiring clueless blonde bimbos to distract frustrated true believer fanbois from the fact that there is no substance to their views. That may work on FRAUD News with their usual cowed, mentally handicapped audience, but it dies a quick death against an actual opponent in a forum they can't control.

Hanretty basically confirms that the Rethuglyturd party line is so much empty posturing when it comes into conflict with one of the party faithful. Conservitards are supposed to be tough on crime, yet she thinks a convicted felon should be set free and then pardoned, removing what little punishment he would have received in the form of disbarment.

Then she follows that up with demanding to know what crime Gonzales is guilty of. Why does it matter to her? She just said that she doesn't care about convictions and wants to set felons free. According to her, you can do every unethical thing imaginable just short of breaking the law. And if you do break the law and are caught doing it, then the law doesn't matter anyway. This from the party of law and order. But what do you expect from the dickless windbags who are also supposed to be the party of fiscal responsibility but lose over $8 billion in Iraq? Hanretty proves once again that for the GOP politics trumps all, including logic and consistency.

The only good thing about parasites like her is that they eventually kill the host.

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